革木蜂蜜 Leatherwood Honey

革木蜂蜜 - 天然獨有

革木屬灌木,學名為 Eucryphia lucida“亮香花木”的植物,僅於澳大利亞的塔曼尼亞島西部屬茱羅紀年代,從沒有人類足跡,既潮濕及無污染的原始熱帶森林環境下生長。森林裏沒有道路,全靠放蜂人讓蜜蜂飛到森林各處採蜜。有研究表明,75歲以下的樹木一般不開花,盛開花期為175至210歲的樹木,由於產量不多,格外珍貴。革木蜂蜜包含真正的天然食品的健康活力,含抗氧化多酚類比其它蜂蜜高出2到3倍。革木有著天然成份,能有效殺菌,消炎止痛,對喉痛、各種口腔及腸道疾病有抒緩作用,無痕療癒。用於處理皮膚疾病有顯著效果,具有養顏護膚功效。 除此,革木蜜糖,香味清純,是極佳的飲料或烹調配料,如烹製簡單又美味的革木蜜糖雞或肉排。

Leatherwood Honey

The wild rainforests of Tasmania are the only place in the world where the rare Leatherwood tree, Eucryphia Lucida grows. Australia’s island state contains some of the world’s most primitive and ancient wilderness and has the world’s cleanest air and water. Studies have shown that trees have the highest blooming flowering period when trees reach 175 to 210 years old and the honey is so precious due to rareness and limited supply. The Leatherwood honey’s bold, complex and unique flavour can best be described as “tasting like the rainforest”. Often referred to as the “King of Honey” and “the Honey of Kings” because Leatherwood honey is containing some of the highest antioxidants of any honey in the world which is 2-3 times more.

塔斯曼尼亞人參革木蜂蜜 $18


塔斯曼尼亞人參革木蜂蜜 $32


塔斯曼尼亞麥盧卡革木混合蜂蜜 $18


塔斯曼尼亞麥盧卡革木混合蜂蜜 $35


塔斯曼尼亞革木蜂蜜 TA10+ $32


塔斯曼尼亞革木蜂蜜 TA10+ $55
